Information About School Bus Safety


Since the start of school area districts have reported incidents of children being approached by strangers at or near bus stops.  In an effort to be proactive and keep our students safe, Temple ISD asks you to talk with your child about the importance of staying vigilant while traveling to school or waiting at a bus stop.  If you haven’t done so, plan a walking route to school or the bus stop.  Choose the most direct way with the fewest street crossings and, if possible, with intersections that have crossing guards.  Tell them to stay away from parks, vacant lots, fields and other places where there aren’t many people around. 

Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers.  Remind your child that adults should never ask children for help, whether it is help finding a lost puppy, or if they are hurt and need medical attention. Teach your child to call 911 and have police help the stranger instead.  Instruct your child to never take a ride from any strangers even if the person says that they are there to pick them up because mom or dad sent them.  Develop a family “code word.” If someone other than a parent is going to pick up a child at school unexpectedly, that person should repeat the “code word” first before the child agrees to leave the safety of the school grounds.  The code word should remain a secret and be changed should others learn of it.

In the event that your child tells you of being approached by a stranger or feels they are being followed, please contact the Temple Police Department at 254-298-5500.  Temple ISD also asks that you contact your child’s school and report the incident to a campus administrator.

Serving in the best interest of children,

Scott Moger, Ed.D.

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services

Temple ISD