Human Resources » IGNITE Academy

IGNITE Academy

IGNITE Academy - Investing in the Growth of New & Innovative Teachers

The TISD IGNITE Academy supports teachers in their first year in the teaching profession and beyond. The program is designed to positively impact beginning teacher effectiveness through ongoing training and support. TISD mentors serve as emotional supports, as well as orient new teachers to their campus and district policies and traditions. Campus mentors facilitate monthly meetings to encourage and grow new teachers through campus mentor meetings, observations, and timely feedback. Mentors assist new teachers in improving their practice through planning, instruction, content knowledge, and reflection.



  • Develop and retain highly effective teachers within Temple ISD
  • Acclimate beginning teachers to district and campus policies, procedures, and traditions
  • Increase teacher effectiveness through professional learning and mentoring
  • Encourage professionalism, positive culture, and lifelong learning throughout Temple ISD
  • Build capacity by developing mentor teachers into campus leaders
  • Foster productive communication



The district coordinator is responsible for coordinating the district’s mentor program. The coordinator is responsible for facilitating a minimum of three (3) required district meetings, and conducting research for continued improvements with the mentor program.



The principal or designee (Assistant Principal) is responsible for the assignment, support, and success of the mentors on campus. The campus mentor coordinator serves as the campus point-of-contact for the TISD Mentor Program Coordinator and assists the principal in verifying that all new teachers have qualified mentors.



A mentor is a teacher or instructional coach with at three years of successful teaching experience who is committed to the mentee’s success, participates in required mentor training, and provides guidance through weekly meetings, observations, model teaching, and book studies in the following areas: classroom management, student skill building, the teaching and learning connection, curriculum use, ongoing assessment, and data analysis.



A teacher in their first year of teaching or beyond who is paired with a mentor teacher to learn district and campus policies, procedures, and traditions to enhance his/her teaching skills for the purpose of strengthening professional capacity and effectiveness.

More Information:

Contact Information:

Temple ISD Administration Building
401 Santa Fe Way
Temple, TX 76501


P: (254) 215-6785
F: (254) 215-6787


E: [email protected]