Special Education » Student Records

Student Records

Student Records

Release of Records - Student records and associated confidentiality are governed by Board Policy FL (Legal) and FL (Local). Parents must provide a signed and dated written consent before the district can disclose personally identifiable information from the student's records to any agency, organization, or individual. No such release is required if the District is being asked to release records to the parent, another public or private school the student is transferring to or a student 18 years or older. From time to time, TISD may ask parents for records from other agencies, organizations, or individuals to better serve a student's special education needs. The same release form is used to obtain such records. (Possible fees may apply.)

Parents have the right to seek amendment of student's educational records: See FL (Legal) and FL (Local). 

Special Education records which have been collected by the Temple Independent School District related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district, must be maintained under state and federal laws for a period of five years after Special Education services have ended for the student. This requirement has changed from seven years to five years based on the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and TISD’s updated records retention schedule. Special Education services end when the student no longer is eligible for services, graduates, completes his or her educational program at age 22, or moves from the district.

A permanent record of the student's name, address, phone number, attendance, and Academic Achievement Record (AAR) may be maintained without time limitations.