THS students train to become income tax volunteers

Daniel Ramos has spent much of his time this month training VITA, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, volunteers.

On Monday, Ramos, community services coordinator for the United Way of Central Texas, was training about 12 Temple High School students to become volunteer income tax return preparers.

The students attend the accounting, insurance operations classes in the business education division, taught by Paulisa Scarlett, of the career technology education department.

The VITA program, sponsored by the United Way of Central Texas, provides free income tax assistance to individuals and families living in the Bell County area with a household income of about $50,000 a year or less.

In addition to providing free tax preparation, VITA works to ensure everyone in the community receives all of the tax credits and deductions for which they are eligible. The program is supported by volunteers.

VITA sites will open next week at eight locations and appointments are already being made.

Click HERE to read the whole story in the Temple Daily Telegram.