About Transportation


Transportation is the 2nd largest department within Temple ISD.  On staff, we have 58 Bus Drivers, 18 Bus Attendants, 16 Crossing Guards, and 8 year-round office staff.  We have an air-conditioned fleet of more than 80 school buses maintained by a team of 5 technicians certified by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence, 2 of which are also Master School Bus Technicians.

We are very community-oriented and take great pride in providing safe & reliable transportation services for our students. Our dispatch desk is open Monday through Friday from 5:30 am to 5:30 pm. Please feel free to call us anytime with your questions, concerns, or suggestions at (254) 215-6973

Need to enroll your student for transportation services?
Contact your student(s) campus to begin the process.

Scan the QR code above to download the SMART Tag parent app
Need Assistance?
Contact the Dispatch Desk
Amy Scopac, CDPT, CTPTO
Director of Transportation &
Fleet Services
[email protected]
Roger Smith 
Operations Supervisor
[email protected]
Michele Blank
Routing Coordinator
[email protected]
Amy Gilpin
Behavior Coordinator 
[email protected]
Angela McKay
Smart Tag Specialist /Administrative Assistant [email protected] 
George Bell 
Fleet Foreman
[email protected]
Gloria Retana
Business Specialist