Advanced Academics, Grades K-5 » Advanced Academics for Grades K-5

Advanced Academics for Grades K-5

Temple ISD’s Advanced Academics Program provides quality educational experiences with rigor, depth and complexity for students requiring a differentiated approach to their education.
Temple ISD offers a continuum of educational opportunities for identified gifted and talented students with advanced academic needs from kindergarten through grade 12. Kindergarten students are identified through a pre-screening and nomination process that begins in the fall. Identified kindergarten students begin services by March 1 through their classroom teacher.

Gifted and Talented testing will take place from August 1st to December 1st for the first semester and will resume from January 1st to March 1st for the second semester.


Las pruebas de superdotados y talentosos se llevarán a cabo el 1 de agosto hasta el 1 de diciembre para el primer semestre y continuarán el 1 de enero hasta el 1 de marzo para el segundo semestre.

The Temple ISD Parent Gifted and Talented Inventory and Permission to Test is now online.
CLICK HERE to fill in the form. As soon as the testing is complete, you will receive notification.
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para completar el formulario. Tan pronto como se complete la prueba, recibirá una notificación.