Mentor Responsibilities / Recommended Activities
Mentor Responsibilities
The following program policies are designed to protect you, our students, and Temple ISD. These policies must be adhered to at all times.
The following program policies are designed to protect you, our students, and Temple ISD. These policies must be adhered to at all times.
● Mentors need to remain constant and consistent in meeting with the Mentee (at least 2 lunch time visits per month) for the academic school year.
● Mentors need to call before going t o the school campus to ensure the student is present that day (school numbers provided).
● Mentors must abide by check-in/out procedures on campus. Mentors will be given a name tag, which will be worn at all times while on campus and left with the front desk when they leave.
● Mentors must sign in and out each time they visit the campus in the mentor sign-in binder.
● When meeting with a Mentee, Mentors should never be in a classroom, office, bathrooms, or any room alone with the door closed. Please remain in an open area.
● Mentors must follow Temple ISD’s Code of Ethics by adhering to school policies and maintaining the confidentiality of the mentor relationship.
● Mentors should not engage in any inappropriate communication with students. Inappropriate includes, but is not limited to, verbal abuse, swearing, conversations that include or refer to sexual content, racist, sexist or homophobic language, or espousing a particular religious belief. Such communication is expressly prohibited and will result in dismissal from the program. This includes emails, text messaging, cell phone calls, and any form of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat).
● Mentors need to call before going t o the school campus to ensure the student is present that day (school numbers provided).
● Mentors must abide by check-in/out procedures on campus. Mentors will be given a name tag, which will be worn at all times while on campus and left with the front desk when they leave.
● Mentors must sign in and out each time they visit the campus in the mentor sign-in binder.
● When meeting with a Mentee, Mentors should never be in a classroom, office, bathrooms, or any room alone with the door closed. Please remain in an open area.
● Mentors must follow Temple ISD’s Code of Ethics by adhering to school policies and maintaining the confidentiality of the mentor relationship.
● Mentors should not engage in any inappropriate communication with students. Inappropriate includes, but is not limited to, verbal abuse, swearing, conversations that include or refer to sexual content, racist, sexist or homophobic language, or espousing a particular religious belief. Such communication is expressly prohibited and will result in dismissal from the program. This includes emails, text messaging, cell phone calls, and any form of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat).
● Please refrain from bringing lunch to school for your Mentee. Due to time, logistics, and financial concerns not all Mentors are able to do this. To ensure consistency for all Mentees a snack box will be kept at the front desk/check in area that will have snacks if you wish to give your Mentee a treat. Mentors also have the option of purchasing a school lunch to eat with their Mentee.
● Mentors should be cautious about physical contact with a Mentee. Others may misinterpret friendly affection.
● Mentors are required by law to report any information a student might share that relates to homicide, suicide, physical/emotional abuse, or any illegal activity. Information will be immediately reported to the principal, assistant principal, counselor, or nurse. They will provide assistance in reporting to the proper authorities.
● Any outside school contact with a student falls outside the realm of the Wildcat Mentor Program and must be arranged through the student's family. Mentors will contact the campus counselor to determine if the parent approves being contacted.
● Mentors may not give any kind of medication to a student. If a Mentee is ill, the student should be taken to the nurse’s office.
● Mentors should not purchase gifts for their Mentee.
● Mentors should be cautious about physical contact with a Mentee. Others may misinterpret friendly affection.
● Mentors are required by law to report any information a student might share that relates to homicide, suicide, physical/emotional abuse, or any illegal activity. Information will be immediately reported to the principal, assistant principal, counselor, or nurse. They will provide assistance in reporting to the proper authorities.
● Any outside school contact with a student falls outside the realm of the Wildcat Mentor Program and must be arranged through the student's family. Mentors will contact the campus counselor to determine if the parent approves being contacted.
● Mentors may not give any kind of medication to a student. If a Mentee is ill, the student should be taken to the nurse’s office.
● Mentors should not purchase gifts for their Mentee.
Recommended Mentoring Activities
Some of the following activities may be useful in helping to develop a good relationship with your mentee. There will also be a game cart located at the check-in specifically for Mentees & Mentors.
Some of the following activities may be useful in helping to develop a good relationship with your mentee. There will also be a game cart located at the check-in specifically for Mentees & Mentors.
● Research and talk about famous people who used their abilities to get ahead.
● Make greeting, get well, or holiday cards to give to other people.
● Look at magazines for students with low reading levels. This offers many things to talk about and helps with self-expression.
● Remember the student with a card on his/her birthday.
● Discuss your favorite sports teams or players.
● Play games that are provided. Stress obeying rules and good sportsmanship.
● Write stories together.
● Attend a holiday concert or other school activity.
● If a student has trouble sitting still, let him/her run in the gymnasium for a bit of the meeting time to work off energy.
● Bring in a proverb or saying each week to discuss.
● Play a musical instrument or learn one together.
● Color.
● Have fun!!!
● Make greeting, get well, or holiday cards to give to other people.
● Look at magazines for students with low reading levels. This offers many things to talk about and helps with self-expression.
● Remember the student with a card on his/her birthday.
● Discuss your favorite sports teams or players.
● Play games that are provided. Stress obeying rules and good sportsmanship.
● Write stories together.
● Attend a holiday concert or other school activity.
● If a student has trouble sitting still, let him/her run in the gymnasium for a bit of the meeting time to work off energy.
● Bring in a proverb or saying each week to discuss.
● Play a musical instrument or learn one together.
● Color.
● Have fun!!!