Afterschool Supper Meals
Afterschool Supper meals are provided at the locations below
Some Texas children are at-risk of hunger, which means they don’t have consistent access to enough nutritious food. Many of these children rely on school meals to provide breakfast and lunch during the school year. The CACFP Program works in partnership with participating schools, school district delivery sites, and other community partners, to ensure that an evening meal is provided during the school year. When school is out and parents are still at work, children need a safe place to be with their friends, with structured activities, supportive adults, and good nutrition. Afterschool programs that participate in CACFP give children and teenagers the nutrition they need, and draw them into constructive activities that are safe, fun, and filled with opportunities for learning.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.