School Health Advisory Council
School Health Advisory Council
The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides advice to the district on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning. Every independent school district is required by law to have a SHAC of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. Coordinated School Health is a systematic approach of advancing student academic performance by promoting, practicing, and coordinating school health education and services for the benefit and well-being of students in establishing healthy behaviors designed to last a lifetime. The eight components of coordinated school health are health education, healthy and safe school environment, counseling and mental health services, parent and community involvement, staff wellness promotion, health services, physical education and nutrition service.
Temple ISD SHAC Statements:
Vision: We envision a future where healthy lifestyle, knowledge, and practices are integrated throughout the Temple ISD community for students and their families to achieve their highest potential (success).
Mission: To promote a climate of lifelong health and wellness for all staff, children and families of the Temple ISD community by promoting the components of Coordinated School Health.
Goals: To partner with the district and community to support health and academic achievement. This will be implemented by:
- Showing compassion towards and enhancing sensitivity to the needs of each child
- Establishing and maintaining appropriate partnerships
- Providing health education for the mind and body to facilitate healthy lifestyle choices and activities
- Communication through innovative means and multi-lingual strategies
- Embracing the values of our community
- Promoting healthy school nutrition
2024-2025 SHAC Meeting Dates:
September 4, 2024
November 6, 2024
February 5, 2025
May 7, 2025
Location: Administration Building, 401 Santa Fe Way
Time: 11:45 am - 1:00 pm
If you are interested in attending a meeting or joining the SHAC, please contact Kim Glawe, Director of Health Services.