Exemptions from immunization requirements set by the Texas Department of State Health Services are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, religious conflicts and reasons of conscience. Requests must be made through the Texas Department of State Health Services. An exemption form can be obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) website: The original copy of the notarized exemption form must be turned in to the school for documentation purposes. The form must be submitted to the school within 90 days from the date of notarization. Additional information can be obtained from the Immunization Unit at 1-800-252-9152.
Texas Vaccine for Children Program (TVFC)
We regret to inform our TISD families that the Bell County Health Department will no longer immunize any child who has private health insurance that covers vaccines. There are no exceptions for the fact that a private care provider may not have the vaccine in stock, nor that a family may be unable to pay the private provider co-pay. Families will need to use their own health care provider for all vaccines required for school attendance. If your child does not have private health insurance that covers immunizations, he/she may be eligible to receive required immunizations from the Bell County Public Health clinics or any other provider of the TVFC (Texas Vaccines for Children) program. Determination will be made by completing an eligibility questionnaire at the providing clinic.
Q: Are all children enrolled in Medicaid programs automatically TVFC eligible?
A: Yes, all children from birth through 18 years of age who are covered by Medicaid are considered TVFC eligible because of their Medicaid status.
Q: Are all children who have Medicaid as a secondary insurance covered by TVFC?
A: Yes, all children who have Medicaid as a secondary insurance are covered by TVFC. The state Medicaid agency will pay the claim for the administration fee and seek reimbursement from the primary insurance.
The Texas Department of State Health requires all student s to be immunized for Varicella (Chicken Pox). If your child has had the chicken pox disease, he/she will not require the immunization. A Parent Verification of Chicken-Pox Disease form will need to be completed by the parent/guardian and filed in the nurse’s office at time of enrollment.